Lives Matter Astrokitty911 Official Website(Raka): 2016

Minggu, 04 Desember 2016

How to put games at your blog

Hello guys,
Today i am going to show you how to put Scratch games.
Scratch games is, where millions of game designer publish their games. you can create your own game to. but, howto put that in your blog?

then open the game that you want to display on your blog.
Then, press "Embed" (You Must log in first)
Then, copy and paste


Open your HTML (In your new post)
 Then, just paste it there.
That's done, and there you go.

This game is not mine, it belongs to it's rightful owners
Don't forget to like and became Astrokitty911 nation!

Rabu, 09 November 2016

How to make CSS - part 2

We are back to another tutorial, so let's do it

so first, to edit your HTML through css link it first. second, type the part that you want to edit for example : 

body {
    background-color: lightblue;

h1 {
    color: white;
    text-align: center;

    font-family: verdana;
    font-size: 20px;

Further informations will be informed later in the next tutorial. Bye!

How to make CSS - Part 1


So Previusly i did "How to make HTML", now i will teach you how to make CSS, the "decorations" for HTML. But before that, we need to understand what is CSS. so, what is CSS?
Cascading Style Sheet, is a style sheet language, used to beutify webpages, or to make the webpage nicer and better. CSS can change an attribute of almost any code, including, Header, border, etc. 

to link the CSS to HTML, insert this code in the header

<link href="path/to/file.css" rel="stylesheet">

That's it for now, bye!
Don't forget to like and comment! 

Jumat, 28 Oktober 2016

How to make HTML - 4

Hello everyone, My Name is Raka. I will teach you how to code html.

Fourth. The specific codes for each element

So previusly, i said earlier that we can add codes. this is the detailed one :

- H1,H2,H3,H4,H5,H6 = <h1>(Content)</h1> (And So on)

- Paragraraph = <P>(Content)</P>

- List = <ol>
              <li>First Item</li>
              <li>Second Item</li>
              <li>Third Item</li>
- Button = <Button href=""
- Header = <header></header>(Used for items in the top of a page, usually buttonsof navigation)
- Image = <img src="" alt="Have You Tried It??">
- Mark = <p>Have you <mark>Tried</mark> it?</p>
- link (Use commonly to link css) = 
<link rel="stylesheet" type="test/css" href="Tester.css
- Article (To make it easier to make news) = 
   <h1>New Game Released</h1>
   <p>People around the world has been asking? what is the new game?no one knows. to keep them from being crazy, they play the mainstream ones.</p>

Minggu, 21 Agustus 2016

How to make HTML5 - 3

Coding HTML

Hello everyone, My Name is Raka. I will teach you how to code html.

Third. Add some codes to the "body"

we can add our codes to make the html beutiful. as i said earlier, we can add header. if we want to add our header, we must add it in the body section
we can add header,paragraft, image ,etc. to add what we want to add, just do <></> into the (
class )

How to make HTML5 -2

Coding HTML

Hello everyone, My Name is Raka. I will teach you how to code html.

Second. Make The basic Script

In order to make a html5/website, we need to type the basic seript which is:
After that we can add some code into it
for example:h1 stands for header1.
This means that header can be in different. there are some kinds of header. this is the list:


After that we can add another one. but we'll discuss this later time bye!!

Kamis, 11 Agustus 2016

How to make HTML5 part.1

Coding HTML

Hello everyone, My Name is Raka. I will teach you how to code html.

First. Downloaad the HTML builder program

Download the proram you want to use to make html

There are some programs that you can use example:
-Adobe Webmaster
-Visual Studio
we will continue later, Bye!!