Fourth. The specific codes for each element
So previusly, i said earlier that we can add codes. this is the detailed one :
- H1,H2,H3,H4,H5,H6 = <h1>(Content)</h1> (And So on)
- Paragraraph = <P>(Content)</P>
- List = <ol>
<li>First Item</li>
<li>Second Item</li>
<li>Third Item</li>
- Button = <Button href=""
- Header = <header></header>(Used for items in the top of a page, usually buttonsof navigation)
- Image = <img src="" alt="Have You Tried It??">
- Mark = <p>Have you <mark>Tried</mark> it?</p>
- link (Use commonly to link css) =
<link rel="stylesheet" type="test/css" href="Tester.css
- Article (To make it easier to make news) =
<h1>New Game Released</h1>
<p>People around the world has been asking? what is the new game?no one knows. to keep them from being crazy, they play the mainstream ones.</p>
- H1,H2,H3,H4,H5,H6 = <h1>(Content)</h1> (And So on)
- Paragraraph = <P>(Content)</P>
- List = <ol>
<li>First Item</li>
<li>Second Item</li>
<li>Third Item</li>
- Button = <Button href=""
- Header = <header></header>(Used for items in the top of a page, usually buttonsof navigation)
- Image = <img src="" alt="Have You Tried It??">
- Mark = <p>Have you <mark>Tried</mark> it?</p>
- link (Use commonly to link css) =
<link rel="stylesheet" type="test/css" href="Tester.css
- Article (To make it easier to make news) =
<h1>New Game Released</h1>
<p>People around the world has been asking? what is the new game?no one knows. to keep them from being crazy, they play the mainstream ones.</p>